Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Only a few days to go...

I still have to post the calendar... I am definitely lagging here.

A lot has happened since I last posted, and I figured there's no better time to bring you all up to speed.

I haven't officially started the project however, a volunteer opportunity came up that I couldn't pass up. It all started with this Facebook post:

I have to say, it was great! Thank you so much Chef Olivia Hernandez of Artisan Catering and Events for allowing me to help! It was such a great experience. The ladies of Ladies Rock Camp Los Angeles were beyond gracious. I have not been around such a friendly bunch of people in a very long time. Also special shout out to Meg Taylor of Large Marge Sustainables for making the best bread and spiced tea I've ever had. I am highly considering going back to being vegan after having such amazing food.

I was supposed to have helped out Friday and Sunday. However, genius that I am, I decided to walk to the event, seeing as how it was being held at a school only 7 blocks from where I reside. It seemed like a pretty great plan for the first 3 blocks... then the rain started. Needless to say the walk in the rain got me sick. So I couldn't come back to help out on Sunday.

I was extremely disappointed. Because this is what the food looked like on day 1:

I didn't do much, just some minor cleanup and for the food prep I cut the cucumbers!! It was awesome. I met some great people and that's what made the experience so memorable!

So I missed out on the following days. Because I heard the food Saturday and Sunday was amazing. I have to do a plug at this point for all of those involved in making this such an awesome event and allowing me to participate in it!

First of all to the organization that brought this together:

Check the sites out for pictures and info. If you ever have a chance to participate for any future events they hold DO IT! Or if you have a young lady who would like to open up musically register for their next camp! These ladies know their stuff!!

And now to plug the culinary artists, if you need any sort of catering, whether you need catering for an NPO event, a wedding, a large party or even for a small event at home:

It was great! And I look forward to helping out next year! I'm working on uploading the calendar for all the coming events. So be on the lookout for that. On the advice of my friend Erin DeHart I created a twitter account for this project. You can follow me @worthwhilecaus

Also if you have ideas of events I could participate in or you want to give my info to someone who coordinates events or volunteer work you can have them email me at aworthwhilecause@gmail.com


  1. one of my new favorite things is sitting down before work, fresh brewed (at home, mind you) starbucks and reading about your endeavors. thanks for the sweet links, i'm all for musically inclined ladies, and congrats on the awesome experience. dont walk next time! hope you are feeling better my friend

  2. why thank you sir! I appreciate that. it means a lot to me that you enjoy this. oh man, these ladies were beyond awesome! it was such a great experience. Hopefully other opportunities come up to help out again! and no, i'll not walk next time :D
