Monday, December 31, 2012

Hey there, long time no see...

It's been 249 days, or 8 months 5 days, or 35 weeks, or 5976 hours, or 358,560 minutes, or 21,513,600 seconds, since I last wrote in this blog.

Disappointing, I know. Even after being so jazzed up on my first post. After all the support, all the well-wishing, all the pats on the back and all the positive vibes I simply quit.

"What happened?"

That's the question I've gotten hit with so many times since this endeavor took a small detour. And there's no real way to excuse the fact that I lost drive. I guess all there is to say is a line I'll have to borrow from the movie The Words

"Life happened."

I had a few more volunteering experiences after April 27th, but I didn't follow through on documenting it. One skipped day turned into two, then two into 4 and so the gap grew exponentially, so I went on with my life. 

However, it was during the course of that mundane life that I came across a motivator. I got a jolt of inspiration, all because of another blog.

There I was sitting in front of my computer (for those who are wondering yes, it's a Macbook) and by accident came across this website:

If you have nothing better to do, if you should have something better to do, if you need something to do, if you have enough to do and yet need something even more important to do, READ THAT BLOG!

Whether you're into financial responsibility or not, you need to take the time to read the account of Joe Mihalic, a Harvard Business School graduate that decided he wouldn't be defined by his monthly payment towards a $90k student loan for the better part of his professional life. This story is more than just an story of a guy who wanted to be debt free. It's about passion, drive and focus; things I've been lacking.

It was like a good book I couldn't put down. I don't know if it was the humor, or the down-to-earth characteristics of the author. But I read the whole thing in less than a day. It gave me the renewed focus I'd been needing for a long time.

A very wise person once told me:

I think you’re a perfectionist. I think that in this world, perfectionists have a hard time succeeding. There are those who sometimes manage to do it, but only after they’ve gotten their start by doing things in a “good enough” fashion. You’re obsessing with perfection when “good enough” is what you need to be worrying about. Again, I might be reading too far into this, but I remain convinced that you have self-doubt, a doubt about executing flawlessly, when in fact, just executing imperfectly is what you need to be doing.

Talk about hitting the nail on the head! 

It reminds me of Coach Lombardi's famous quote:

"Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence."

So I'm going to chase after perfection, and hope for the best.

So.... What have I been up to in these last 249 days, or 8 months 5 days, or... well you get the idea.

Remember that corp job I declined initially? Well, I ended up taking it.

Do I regret it? Deep down, probably. But if I really meditate on the point, I can't. I'd like to think this relocation has changed me, for the best. I've been living in a suburb a few minutes outside of St. Louis, Missouri. 

One thing I will say, the Beach Boys were right when they sang the lyrics, "the Midwest farmers' daughters, really make you feel alright." The girls out here are gorgeous! Sorry CA girls... just gotta call it like I see it! And that's all I'll say about that.

I know, focus... focus! 

With regards to the message I'm trying to promote with this blog, I have to share that I haven't done much to advance my work in this part of the county. I've had a few opportunities to get involved, however, because of the position I took and the responsibilities I took with it, I haven't been able to allocate any time to volunteering.

After almost 6 months of working here I'm ready to buckle down. I've made a few connections that will allow me the opportunities I need to get back on track. I no longer have the focus of volunteering only for a full year. All I know is that I want to invest my time (the little that I have to myself) in more fulfilling ways. There is so much to do, and here I am watching Lost on Netflix. Yeah, I know... I know.

I know it's cliché, but I think the new year couldn't come at a better time.

Time to do something worthwhile.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Shadow Session

A very quick update, seeing as how I had a preparation day today. I went for my Shadow Session and pseudo-orientation for my participation in the Reading Partners program as a reading tutor.

I got to submit my paperwork and get brought up to speed on the program and what my responsibilities will entail.

I didn't take any pictures, since I didn't want to be that creepy guy walking around an elementary school campus taking pictures.... not the best way to go down in LA.

I'd like to thank Jourdan and Nicki from Reading Partners Los Angeles for getting me setup!

To learn more about this organization please visit:

Reading Partners is dedicated to transforming struggling young readers into confident readers who are excited about learning.
How we do it:
  • Focus on children from low-income communities.
  • Give one-on-one instruction at the student’s reading level.
  • Recruit and train community volunteers to work with children.
  • Partner with high-need elementary schools to offer an effective program on campus.
  • Provide a way for volunteers to give a small amount of their time to make a huge difference in a child’s life.
If you would like to volunteer or donate please visit their website and learn more about how you can do it. 

You can also follow them on Twitter @ReadingPartners or the location I'm involved with directly @RPlosangeles

And tomorrow I get to meet with the director of The Eli Home in Anaheim to see how I can be used there.

Goodnight everyone!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Let's fill that boot again!

What a day!

Another day with Fill the Boot turned out to be pretty awesome! It was a pretty busy day for the firefighters of Firehouse 58! They worked pretty hard. I had a ton of fun and even though I am fighting to keep my eyelids open at this point, it was all truly rewarding!

If you ever get a chance to volunteer with this program you will never regret it!

How could you say no to a face like that?
see more pictures at:

I hope that all the events I'm involved with over the next year have volunteers that have the energy of the men and women of the LAFD and the people of the MDA. I could not have asked for a more awesome Wednesday.

Even though Channel 4 Weather said it was going to be col with off-and-on showers, it turned out to be a pretty sunny day, much to the dismay of everyone involved. I got a pretty nice sunburn, even though I was using sunscreen.

Special thanks to Soda Pops ( and Domino's ( for providing sustenance for all those involved today!

I have to repeat this from Monday's post:
I'd like to thank the MDA (specifically Whitney M. of MDA Los Angeles for coordinating this and setting me up with today). To learn more about the MDA and how you can help please visit:

You can also follow the LA MDA on twitter @mdalosangeles Follow all the updates over the next two days by searching the hashtag #filltheboot

To get more updates on the LAFD follow them @LAFD

Also, to get more info on the event please visit:

As you may now be aware this was only a three day event, however keep an eye out for anything else that may come up to support the MDA. If you can please get involved! YOU WILL NEVER REGRET IT! Visit the sites and see if there are any upcoming and local events near you.

Well, tomorrow is my shadow session with Reading Partners LA. Time for bed.

Slow, but productive day...

Well it seems I've come across a dilemma. It turns out that certain days I have to allot to the administrative aspects of this project. I was supposed to Volunteer at the LBUSD Special Olympics today, however, I am also to begin working with Reading Partners LA this week as well, and that program requires that I complete some medical tests as well as submit my Live Scan background information before Thursday. Well, seeing as how that's a few days away and the medical tests have a two day turnaround I had to rain check on working with the Long Beach School District today to get some of this stuff done.

First things first:
I know... I'm pretty pale...
I know I don't have the cutest arm but I got my TB shot and that little bump went away... so I'm assuming I'm good to go. However, I have to wait for the official result from the Doctor on my follow-up visit. Then I receive my TB card and I can submit that to Reading Partners. 

I would like to give a special thanks to my Doctor for hooking it up with the free test, as I'm currently unemployed because I'm chasing after this endeavor. He was gracious enough to let this one go pro bono. I will not give you his name, because I'm sure he wouldn't want everyone to know he's doing this stuff for free. :D

On that note! I'd also like to thank my buddy (I've known this guy since elementary school), Valor Kopeny! You are the man!! Thank you for hooking it up with the Live Scan! I appreciate you working me in at such a short notice!!

He doesn't do this full time anymore, as he's been working a lot with his church, Calvary Chapel East Anaheim, as their Media Production Guru (that's not the official title, I'm calling him a guru 'cuz he's that kind of awesome). You can check out the Church's website and media uploaded by visiting:

He still does Live Scan work by appointment. So, should you need his services please check out his website. Although he is not at the locations listed on the site you may still contact him to schedule a meet and he would be more than gracious in allocating some time for you!

All that is good and all, however, I think this guy's true calling is photography. After looking at some of his work with the church and his personal photography work you can tell he's got the gift needed to be a photog. Visit his site and keep him in mind should you need any of his expert help! Just tell him Alvaro sent you, and he'll totally take care of you!

I don't know where I'd be without the help of these awesome people!! Thank you for helping this guy out! From the bottom of my heart, thank you guys!

Time to get some rest, I get to enjoy another day with the brave men of the LAFD to gather some funds for the MDA!!

Goodnight everyone!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fill the Boot!

It's only been two days, and already this is shaping to be quite an experience!

I got to hang out with the coolest bunch of dudes today! A special thanks goes out to the men of Firehouse 94 of the Los Angeles Fire Dept!

Not only were these guys extremely committed to fundraising this great cause for the MDA (Muscular Dystrophy Association), but they carried on with the best attitude and sense of humor. They got called out on at least three emergency calls, by my faulty count, throughout the morning and afternoon. These guys would have their engines ready to go at a moments notice.
These guys know how to eat!
Overall the day went as planned. Boots were filled, lives were saved, pizza was eaten. It was great!

Fill the Boot time!
To see more pictures of today's event go to:

One thing I also learned is that it turns out firefighters are pretty good at pulling pranks! (And, yes, ladies, Some of these guys are single...). 

All in all it was a pretty awesome day.

Hopefully, if things pan out I'll be working on more events with guys like this!

I'd like to thank the MDA (specifically Whitney M. of MDA Los Angeles for coordinating this and setting me up with today). To learn more about the MDA and how you can help please visit:

You can also follow the LA MDA on twitter @mdalosangeles Follow all the updates over the next two days by searching the hashtag #filltheboot

To get more updates on the LAFD follow them @LAFD

Also, to get more info on the event please visit:

Check out the map and see if you can stop by any of the planned intersections to give your support. As always if you cannot make it you can make an online donation directly at MDA's website.

On a sidenote, two firefighters were hurt today while responding to an emergency all the while this event was going on. Just to show you these guys don't take a break even while fighting for a good cause, we had just wrapped up the event at our intersection when everyone received the news. My thoughts go out to them and hope they have a speedy recovery:

Ok! Time to knock out and see what tomorrow brings at the Special Olympics in Long Beach!

As always, you can follow me on twitter @worthwhilecaus

Or like my page on FB:

and also if there's any event you can come out and join me at check out my calendar:

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day - Day Zero

Day Zero, what a day...

Who knew the beaches of southern CA have so much trash on them. I can't honestly speak for all of them, as I only went to one today, but man. Today opened my eyes to a serious problem.

Let's just say, I am NEVER, EVER, EVER (I'd include more EVERs, howEVER, I believe that would be EVER so redundant) nEVER going to get into the waters of Venice Beach. My sincerest respect for the surfers who donned their wetsuits and braved the filth infested waters. You gentlemen truly love the ocean, even though you were in danger of catching some sort of infection by coming in contact with her today.
I learned two very important things while picking up trash at Venice Beach today: 1) Ladybugs really love seaweed (and should you ever find yourself in the position of collecting ladybugs, you must go to a beach and find the seaweed which has been washed ashore. You'll score bigtime), and 2) I hate cigarette butts. I really do.

The event in all was pretty awesome!! 

Throughout my walk up and down the sand the words of Walt Kelly rang true, "We have met the enemy and he is us." Just one piece of trash, that's all it takes. That candy wrapper, cigarette butt, bottle cap, it all ends up somewhere, and never was it more apparent to me than today. I already was pretty good about picking up after myself, but now I am going to make a point of not being responsible for one more piece of garbage washing up on our shores.

I hope you can do the same. I encourage you to sign up for one of these events in the future. Or heck, grab a trash bag and go to your favorite beach and just do a random comb of the sand. I guarantee you will never see that gum wrapper you throw on the ground the same way.

A VERY special thanks, of course, to Children Sports International for hosting and putting this all together!

Follow this link to get info on today's event:

Also, if you're interested in more pics of today's event:
turns out I missed all the photops... lame...

To learn more about Children Sports International visit their site at:
Children Sports International seeks to be a source of inspiration for children and young adults to grow and inspire others to unite and promote a message of peace.

Tomorrow I'll be at a Fill the Boot Event sponsored by the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Time for bed!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Only a few days to go...

I still have to post the calendar... I am definitely lagging here.

A lot has happened since I last posted, and I figured there's no better time to bring you all up to speed.

I haven't officially started the project however, a volunteer opportunity came up that I couldn't pass up. It all started with this Facebook post:

I have to say, it was great! Thank you so much Chef Olivia Hernandez of Artisan Catering and Events for allowing me to help! It was such a great experience. The ladies of Ladies Rock Camp Los Angeles were beyond gracious. I have not been around such a friendly bunch of people in a very long time. Also special shout out to Meg Taylor of Large Marge Sustainables for making the best bread and spiced tea I've ever had. I am highly considering going back to being vegan after having such amazing food.

I was supposed to have helped out Friday and Sunday. However, genius that I am, I decided to walk to the event, seeing as how it was being held at a school only 7 blocks from where I reside. It seemed like a pretty great plan for the first 3 blocks... then the rain started. Needless to say the walk in the rain got me sick. So I couldn't come back to help out on Sunday.

I was extremely disappointed. Because this is what the food looked like on day 1:

I didn't do much, just some minor cleanup and for the food prep I cut the cucumbers!! It was awesome. I met some great people and that's what made the experience so memorable!

So I missed out on the following days. Because I heard the food Saturday and Sunday was amazing. I have to do a plug at this point for all of those involved in making this such an awesome event and allowing me to participate in it!

First of all to the organization that brought this together:

Check the sites out for pictures and info. If you ever have a chance to participate for any future events they hold DO IT! Or if you have a young lady who would like to open up musically register for their next camp! These ladies know their stuff!!

And now to plug the culinary artists, if you need any sort of catering, whether you need catering for an NPO event, a wedding, a large party or even for a small event at home:

It was great! And I look forward to helping out next year! I'm working on uploading the calendar for all the coming events. So be on the lookout for that. On the advice of my friend Erin DeHart I created a twitter account for this project. You can follow me @worthwhilecaus

Also if you have ideas of events I could participate in or you want to give my info to someone who coordinates events or volunteer work you can have them email me at

Thursday, April 5, 2012

And the preparation continues.

Every passing day solidifies my resolve to begin this crazy endeavor. I have to admit, I've gotten some priceless looks from those I've told so far. My father's was the best thus far. It was as though I had told him that I was fact Spiderman.

He blinked a few times, as if to refocus his vision tilted his head towards the TV, making it seem that what he'd heard had come from the direction of the tube, and not his son standing directly in front of him.

The confusion on his face as he asked, "So, you're not going to start that job you were talking about?" seemed to be contagious, because for a moment I could feel the antibodies forming in my own body fighting off this infectious bewilderment. I blinked myself, to focus my resolution rather than my vision and repeated what I'd told him.

"No, I'm taking a year off to complete this challenge. What do you think?"

It was great. After a few silent moments his words summed up pretty much everyone else's response, "Cool!" This was followed by the typical fatherly inquiry, "Are you sure?"

It's been about a week since my initial post and I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that I am definitely sure.

The task of researching all the possible events I can participate in has been beyond daunting. But I have to admit that the planning stage is awesome. I'll be posting a calendar up soon, as requested by many of you to allow for some participation. It would be cool if some of you are able to join in on the experience.

I'd like to especially give thanks to Daino, Steven, Erin, Trandrew, Sanchez, Mr. Penny, Bridget, David L., Christie, Colleen, Zach, Alex, Fabi, Liz, Julie, Melissa my beloved lawyer :P and Rosy for either liking the status update or making an encouraging comment via FB or text. That electronic acknowledgment helps in more ways that you can imagine. I'd like to point out a special thank you to Nick Bunzli for keeping it real :D , a very special thanks to Candace for being the first to suggest a specific event for me. You have no idea how that little bit of advice saves me so much time and adds a special touch to the planning. Of course Valery for not looking at me like I'm crazy when I told you and just going with it :D you know me too well.

Again, I look forward to the 22nd and like I said before, if you have any ideas on specific events, or you know of people who might be able to point me into a direction that may help please keep me in mind!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I had a dream...

A lot of you might think I'm crazy, some of you might agree with what I'm doing, and still others might delete me from your friends list for deciding to type out such a ludicrous idea.

Let me give you a little bit of a back story to what led me to the path on which I now find myself.

I have been working since I was 16. For years I found myself chasing after the almighty dollar. I don't consider myself materialistic, I like nice things like any normal person, I prefer Mac over PC not because of what I can do with it, but because I just happen to think it looks cooler. Given the chance I will spend money for the sake of spending money because that is what society tells us is the normal thing to do. It's the norm I've been accustomed to since I acquired my first paycheck working part-time at a Mail-Boxes Etc while attending high school.

I should have gone to college, but the money was too good. I was making more money working in the corporate world, while friends of mine going to school were studying to eventually get the job I had.

Fast forward 10 years, and I find myself a 26 year old sitting in front of a computer, pouring my feelings out on this keyboard in search of a more fulfilling path. I've had good jobs, great jobs, crappy jobs and just jobs. I've learned a lot about myself and about the world.

After all this time I've noticed that no matter how philanthropic the company you work for swears it is, you never find yourself helping out on that side of the spectrum. You're stuck on the rat-race side, the side that has you screwing the little man, not helping him. When I think back to all my years working, I realize the only times I felt true satisfaction was when I participated in the volunteer and charity events sponsored or participated in by the powerful corporations I worked for. It was this knowledge I had been struggling with for a long time.

And just two days ago I had a dream.

See, I left my current job with the idea that I would start work at yet another very succesful corporation making a decent amount of money working, traveling and working some more. And it was then I realized I didn't want to do it all over again. Start a job I would love at first because of the stability and the financial security it gave me, only to hate myself years later for not being true to myself.

So I dreamt.

As crazy as it seems I declined the position I was offered, and instead began planning to pursue an undertaking beyond crazy, in my opinion. If it's crazy to me I can only imagine what those of you reading this will think.

I post this now, not to toot my proverbial horn, nor to make an attempt at seeming self-righteous with you guys. I respect all of you and the course your lives have taken. I appreciate all of your status updates and all the witty and sarcastic comments from time to time. I share this recent update to get your input and ideas. Because, God knows, I'm going to need it.

I have decided that beginning April 22, 2012 on Earth Day, I will challenge myself to participate in a volunteer/charity event daily for a full year. I have given myself a full month to prepare so as to allow a good amount of planning ahead of time, while allowing me some flexibility of last minute invitations or ideas from those of you who will be following me along. I'm not hoping for much, but hope that at least those of you who are my friends will care to see what's going on.

Feel free to leave comments, concerns, ridicules. All of it. Those of you who know me well enough will remember I have pretty thick skin, and know that when I've decided to to something I'm going to do it.

I'll probably be updating this here and there from here to April 22, but after that I'll be updating it daily to detail all the events I participate it and all the people I meet.

Lord help me :)

In advance I'd like to thank all of you for the support and the well wishes, because if I know any of you well enough there will be enough of those.